Sunday, November 12, 2006


This is from a June post.

'Also, was anyone paying attention when they took the gay marriage ban to Congress? Not only did Bush and his cronies not get the 2/3rds needed to make it an amendment, they didn't even get the majority of votes- in fact- they got one less vote than when they first tried to push this through in `04. Listen to how awesomely deluded Republicans are:

"We were hoping to get over 50 percent, but that didn't happen today," said Sen. David Vitter, R-La., one of the amendment's supporters. "Eventually, Congress is going to have to catch up to the wisdom of the American people or the American people will change Congress for the better."'

HA! Let's look at one line in particular...

"Eventually, Congress is going to have to catch up to the wisdom of the American people or the American people will change Congress for the better."

Fuck off and die Senator Vitter. I think the American people took your suggestion to heart.


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